w/Sue Aslin
10am Tuesdays
9am Fridays
Want to try a Pilates machine other than the Reformer?
Try a Pilates
Tower class!
The Pilates Tower is a version of the Pilates Cadillac, another of Joseph Pilates brilliant fitness machines. Much like the Pilates Reformer, the Pilates Tower gives you an amazing all over body workout, while also giving you the opportunity to experience DIFFERENT Pilates exercises only performed on the Pilates Tower. The biggest difference between the Pilates Reformer and the Pilates Tower is the use of SPRINGS, as opposed to ropes, which challenge your core stability, adding extra challenge to your workout. Expand your Pilates repertoire!
Try a Pilates Tower class today!
Try Barre Classes!
Thursdays 10am
Watch this video of our fabulous Garuda Barre instructor Valerie Davis...
Love Pilates, yoga & dance?
Garuda Barre
is for you!
Enjoy inspiring, expressive movements while getting a GREAT workout!
​New at Studio M, Garuda Barre is a brilliant, contemporary barre workout that incorporates elements of Pilates, dance and yoga. Each inspired sequence captures the physicality and grace of dance while giving you a workout that tones, opens and strengthens your whole body. Garuda Barre also integrates aerobic movements into each workout to strengthen your cardiovascular system & help you burn calories.